Global Mission Ministry
Our Global Mission Ministry focuses on reaching out to our global community through supporting missionaries around the world, helping to evangelize to those who do not know Christ, providing for those in need and bring awareness locally on how we can help. Learn more about current Missionaries
Global Missions
Mission Trip Application Form
Joan Bain
Joan is a United Church member from Jamaica and has worked in Guichard, Southern Haiti, as a nurse for nearly 25 years. One current ministry is a programme for training nurse practitioners. Six recently graduated and are now stationed in rural communities. She is married to a Haitian, Allemand, and they have one daughter, Jirene. Elmslie Church and the Cayman Islands Council are fully responsible for her salary.
Gospel Growers
Started by Sam Rice a few years ago, this small mission on the south coast of Haiti supports a clinic, a Christian radio station, the training of pastors and a child sponsorship scheme. The George Town Charge currently sponsors nearly 40 children in Christian schools at $200 p.a. each. Sam moved to Haiti over 30 years ago but now oversees Gospel Growers from Pittsburg, USA.
Bresile St. Germain
Pastor Bresile is a Haitian missionary who conducts evangelism and church growth training among Haitian churches, primarily in Florida and Haiti. He is based in Miami where he lives with his wife, Marie Vita.
Walford Thompson
Walford recently retired as President of Ministries in Action to his home island of St. Vincent. He remains active in his church and community there, including helping with relief work. He also has an on-going project in Port au Prince, Haiti, building low cost houses for those who were made homeless during the recent earthquake.
Wycliffe Caribbean
This is arm of WBT that oversees the ministry of Jim and Karla Smith and other Caribbean missionaries. It provides training and other support, and is headed by John Roomes.
Mount Olivet Boys’ Home
The United Church’s boys’ home in Manchester, Jamaica, accommodates about 30 boys between eight and eighteen who are in need of care and attention. The George Town Charge has been actively supporting the home for many years, including making several visits, and members are invited to pay ‘a dollar a day’ to help fund the feeding programme. The current director is Sonia Lowe.
Nyoman Sumaryana
This young Indonesian from Bali was converted while working on a cruise ship which visited Cayman. He felt called by God to return home to start a ministry. He and his family have established a care facility called Naomi Shelter Home to house those with various problems: underprivileged and children with special needs, people with AIDS and other outcasts of society. He has also started a church and is training to be a pastor.
Paul Borthwick
Paul has been a frequent visitor to Cayman, and spoken on several occasions at the George Town Charge mission weekend. He teaches and trains Christian leaders around the world through Development Associates International. He also teaches at a Christian college, speaks at mission conferences and, in between, writes books about missions to encourage support and involvement. He lives near Boston, USA, with his wife Christie.