Girls’ Brigade
The Aim:
The Aim of the Girls' Brigade, being a Christian organization, international and inter-denominational, shall be:
To help girls to become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, and through self-control, reverence and a sense of responsibility to find true enrichment of life.
The Brigade acknowledges Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord according to the Scriptures and seeks to fulfill its aim to the Glory of One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Brigade witnesses to the standards set by Jesus Christ for the whole life. The Brigade gives positive teaching on the Christian attitude to the social evils facing its members.
Here at Emslie:
There are four sections - Explorers, Junior, Seniors and Brigaders. They meet in the Church Hall at 5:30pm on Wednesdays.
Each section follows a programme designed to help girls attain their full potential and does so through the four sections: Spiritual, Physical, Educational and Service.
Spiritual: The aim is to present Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, to train in Christian living, to encourage Christian witness, and to provide Christian fellowship. This is fulfilled through time of worship in the Church and in the community, and in Camps and Courses. It includes Bible Study, Prayer, Bible drama and dance, singing and interest and involvement in the spread of the Gospel.
Physical: Activities to keep fit, ranging from national dancing to drill.
Educational: May include the subjects of craft, home making, choir, drama, safety, health hygiene and subjects to increase interest in worthwhile life skills.
Service: Helping in community.
At the end of the programme the girls are awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold medals and each year the Girls' Brigade participate in the All Island Girls' Brigade Camp in March, and the All Island Girls' Brigade World Day of Prayer Service in June.
If you would like to get involved or find out more, please do not hesitate to contact the Church Office at 1-345-949-7923 who will be happy to assist you.